IFC Formats

IFC Formats

IFC may be encoded in various electronic formats, each having benefits and tradeoffs of software support, scalability, and readability. As building data can be quite large (i.e. gigabytes), the choice of format may have practical considerations.

Which do I use?

For the widest compatibility and smallest size for file-based import and export, STEP Physical File (SPF) is recommended. For web service communication, any of the above formats may be automatically negotiated by clients and servers.


Format Extension MIME Type Text Indexed Size Summary
STEP Physical File (SPF) .ifc application/x-step Yes No 100% STEP Physical Format (SPF or IFC-SPF) is the most widely used format for IFC in practice, which is the most compact of the formats listed that can be read as text. IFC-SPF is based on the ISO standard for clear text representation of EXPRESS data models ISO 10303-21
Extensible Markup Language (XML) .ifcXML application/xml Yes No 113% Extensible Markup Language (XML) provides enhanced readability and benefits from a broad range of software tools. ifcXML is based on the ISO standard for representation of STEP data in XML format ISO 10303-28
ZIP .ifcZIP application/zip No No 17% IFC data may embedded within a ZIP file. The embedded data may be encoded as either SPF or XML, where the resulting size is typically comparable.
Terse RDF Triple Language (Turtle) .ttl based on ifcOWL text/turtle Yes No 1372% More info on: ifcOWL
Resource Description Framework (RDF/XML) .rdf based on ifcOWL application/rdf+xml Yes No 816% More info on: ifcOWL
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) .json application/json Yes No 148% JSON provides enhanced readability and benefits from a broad range of software tools.
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) .hdf application/x-hdf No Yes n/a HDF5 may store IFC data within hierarchical database, which provides high performance access to engineering data. HDF is based on the ISO standard for STEP data representation ISO 10303-26
SQLite .sqlite application/x-sqlite3 No Yes n/a SQLite may store IFC data within a relational database, which provides indexed access to data within large models and benefits from a broad range of software tools.


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